Category Archives: Success

How to Perform Under Tremendous Pressure and Succeed Anyway

Most of us can handle pressure. Some of us better than others. It’s not the pressure that makes them perform better – it’s how they handle it. 7 powerful ways to handle pressure:

  1. Don’t be intimidated or overwhelmed
  2. Take back control
  3. Don’t aim for perfection
  4. Focus on one task at a time
  5. Create a road map
  6. Manage your mood
  7. Let purpose lead the way

Top 10 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Consultants and Coaches Make

  1. They name their business after themselves
  2. They don’t boil it down for prospects
  3. They won’t tell prospects how to fix it
  4. They can’t name their client’s pain
  5. They don’t identify the common myths that hamper prospects
  6. They can’t tell prospects how to solve their problems step by step
  7. They don’t mention the extras
  8. They don’t quantify their track record
  9. They don’t give it away
  10. They don’t make prospects an offer they can’t refuse

How to become successful? Do the opposite!